Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sleeping and cleaning

Kate is taking lessons from her little brother. Tim went back to school this week at night. Last night was the first time that Anissa put Kate to bed by herself. She went to sleep just fine around 8:30pm. Anissa checked on her at 10pm, and thought she appeared to be asleep, Kate sat up in her bed as Anissa covered her in her blanket. Kate appeared to go back to sleep. But shortly after Tim came home after 10:30pm, Kate started crying and Tim had to go in to try to soothe her. She didn't go to sleep again until after 3am! Kate is usually so good about going to sleep - I'm hoping that this is just a fluke and she'll be back to normal soon.

We took Bennett with us to pick up Kate from daycare today, and she seemed really proud to show him off to everyone. Kate and Mommy also got some one on one time at Gymboree this week, and she seemed to really enjoy all of the extra attention.

We're also trying to go through boxes that were packed two addresses ago, to make more room in Bennett's room closet. Somewhat productive, but it's slow going to go through all of this stuff that you've collected over the years and trying to decide which of the "memories" to keep, and which ones you can let go of. It felt like we made a little bit of progress this week. I hope we can keep up the energy to donate and cull more stuff from our house.

Got sleep? Not us! We're definitely still working on it. Seems like every time that Bennett wakes up in the middle of the night, it takes him an hour or two to settle back down to sleep. Left to his own time table, he's ready for a feeding every 3 hours or so. You do the math. One of us is only getting an hour of sleep between feedings overnight.

Bennett goes in for his 2 week checkup this Friday.

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