Sunday, February 15, 2009

Does this outfit make me look yellow?

Baby Bennett and Mommy are home from the hospital and feeling pretty good. With decent pain meds taken often, Anissa has been quite mobile. Bennett is up for only about 10 minutes after a feeding and then he's sleeping again....unless it's the middle of the night. Then he fusses for up to 2 hours after a feeding.

The hospital checked Bennett's bilirubin levels at the hospital. He started at a 5, then an 8 before release. At his 48 hour check up after release, he was up to a 12. A 15 score is considered jaundiced, so he's still below that, but with levels rising, we were instructed to follow the jaundice regimen until his 2 week appointment. That means as much natural indirect sunlight as we can manage and waking him every 2 hours to nurse. He should be nursing 12 times per day! Fine during the day, when he nurses for about 30-40 minutes, naps for about 80-90 minutes and we start the process all over again. But during the night? Are you kidding? Wake a SLEEPING baby? But he's SLEEPING! DURING.THE.NIGHTTIME!!!! (ok, we'll do it if it helps him, but we don't have to like it).

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