Saturday, February 21, 2009

2 week check up

Bennett went in for his 2 week checkup yesterday, and boy, how he's grown!

Birth: 7 lbs 15 oz and 20.5 inches long
3 days old: 7 lbs 3 oz (release from hospital)
5 days old: 7 lbs 6 oz (first Kaiser checkup)
2 weeks old: 8 lbs 15 oz 22 inches long

So, I know that the length is not the MOST accurate measurement in the world - after all, they stretch the baby on the exam table and mark his head and feet on the paper with pencil and then measure, but the scales seem more accurate. Babies lose some water weight after their born, and Bennett lost quite a bit of weight. A couple more ounces of weight at release and the doctors would have been concerned about how much weight he lost since birth.

Then there was the 5 day check up. I called this one the "CYA - Did you lose the baby since we gave him to you?" check up. It was set up for 48 hours after our release from the hospital. I swear that they just want to make sure that you still know where your baby is, that you haven't sold him off, and that you haven't dressed him funny since they let us take him home. Granted, they do check to make sure that the jaundice is better, that breastfeeding is going well, and to pass along the useful "Are you being abused" leaflet. Bennett's bilirubin levels continue to climb. I guess that 15 is considered bad enough to need treatment. At birth, he was a 5,upon release, he was a 10, and at this check up he was a 12. That earned us the lucky task of feeding every 2 hours (I've posted about this already).

But the pediatrician yesterday said that she didn't see any jaundice anymore - so yeah! no more need to monitor his sleep and feeding so closely! So the little guy just keeps growing and growing!

1 comment:

Luca Once said...

I'm so happy for all of you. What a surprise to click on your blog and see Bennett. Congratulations to all of you. Anne