Sunday, May 18, 2008

Rockin' Out

Auntie Deb sent us a video when Katie picked up the play guitar in Long Beach. Seems like there is a trend. Kate likes to rock out on the guitar. I seriously don't know where she picks up this stuff!

And check out the video too:

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Second Birthday

Stop already with all the phone calls and emails about new pictures. We've been busy! We'll try to catch up over the next week or so. Here are some of the pictures from Kate's second birthday. We did a store-bought Elmo cake and had everyone over for some playtime and pool.

Big hits this year where her new "babies" (she often must carry 2 or more with her) and her stomp rocket. She loves impressing her friends by firing one off into the neighbor's yard.

And we have to thank Kate's friend Dawn for the pretty birthday dress.

Video of Kate and one of her babies:

Video of "R-U? (Where are you)?":