Thursday, December 07, 2006


Kate went to a Mommy & Me class today, and they have a new small plastic slide. It's probably only 3 feet tall. I thought it might amuse her to stand her up by the ladder - finally, something that she can hold on to that doesn't move! She smiled, she giggled....and then she moved her foot up a rung on the ladder! Wait a minute, Kate! You're too little to be climbing a ladder! She gave me a big smile and pulled herself up onto that rung. Five minutes later, she'd made her way to the top of the ladder, placed both hands above her head and screeched in delight!

Going down the slide was a different matter - Kate has no fear, so she just pulled herself down the slide head-first. Good thing I had a hold on her, as she went pretty fast, and I think it scared her just a bit.

By the time I got to the camera, this was her third attempt at the slide, and I was holding her to go down the slide on her bottom.

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