Friday, December 01, 2006

6 month check up

Kate went for her 6 month check up and immunizations yesterday. Three shots, and a follow up in one month for one more shot made Kate a very unhappy baby. Her stats: 27 inches long, 16 lbs 10 oz for weight and 17.3 inches for head circumference. She's still above average, though not in the 95th percentiles like she used to be.

She is pretty clingy today, and is running a small fever, so Anissa will spend the day carrying/walking her.

In her food update, Anissa made Kate homemade pears for dinner yesterday. My, what a difference - Kate gobbled up a serving and asked for more. It was pretty easily to steam the pears in the microwave, and then puree them in the blender. They went into the freezer in ice cube trays, and we'll have them ready for her for a while now.

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