Sunday, November 02, 2008


I was concerned that Katie wouldn't be into dressing up and Halloween this year. She was pretty upset and scared over all the black ghosts and goblins and decorations. We couldn't go near the party/costume store during the entire month of October.

Katie even had a few nightmares and bad dreams this month. First it was dreams about monsters eating her (when I asked her to describe the monster, she said "Cookie Monster"). Later it was about alligators eating her.

So we tried to keep this holiday a little more low key than past Halloweens. Katie said "no" whenever I asked her what she wanted to dress up as for Halloween, so we improvised this year. She has dress-up butterfly wings, "fluffy shoes", magic wand...all in pink. Problem solved! She was a butterfly-fairy-girl and loved it!

She even borrowed some of the pirate bling from our pumpkin and tried to wear it herself!

Daddy came home early from work to take Katie trick or treating. She didn't understand why it wasn't ok to walk into people's houses once they opened the door. She really loved it when she realized that every house gave her candy - CANDY! Her little goodie bag got pretty full...and she always said "thank you". She was very protective of her candy when she got back home and other children knocked on our door. "No give my candy away, Daddy!". She was well-adored by the entire neighborhood and had a great night!

After Halloween, Daddy took Katie to the Disney store for the mark-downs on costumes for next year, and Katie happily picked out a Cinderella dress and light up shoes.

She didn't understand that the next day wasn't Halloween too...or the next day... or the next day...

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