Thursday, February 28, 2008

Singing in the Rain

well, kind of.

We had some heavy rains this weekend, and Kate would not give up the urgent request at 10am for "outside". Tim and I could imagine what 2pm was going to feel like, and Tim relented. We dressed her up in her best rain/snow gear - rain coat, winter boots. Tim costumed himself in army boots and a floppy hat and out the front door they went. Kate made it into the flow of water that is rushing in front of our house. The water was deep enough to almost make it above the top of her boots. She loved it...until she turned in a way the rain was falling on her face. Not so much fun after that. It was a quick 10 minutes outside, but made for a much happier homebody.

Last week, Kate started to sing to her dollies in her crib. I was singing her a lullaby "Toora Loora Loora” and she joined in!

Since she didn't know the words, she sang "momma dadda momma......(poop)". She gave me that look to see if I'd noticed that she said "poop". So cute for the singing, but I'm hoping that the reaction to poop was nominal enough for her not to continue THAT part of the song.

Speaking of poop, Kate has taken to carrying around her baby Minnie doll. Baby Minnie needs holding, singing to, and mostly, having her diaper changed.. a lot! I guess we know that Kate thinks that we change her diaper too often.

More words this week: The toddler trio have emerged "No", "Mine" and "Why" have sprouted up with regularity. The way she says "No" is killer, though. She sounds like a southern bell with a long drawl. "Why" is just being tested out for now. She also says "Pack" for her backpack of animals, "Back" for "I'll be right back. You wait right here please", and her morning routine now includes some cute babbling from her crib that includes, "momma", "dadda", and "up".

Daycare Debbie has been making great strides in the eating variety of foods category. Debbie has gotten Kate to eat turkey, grilled cheese, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (3 different sandwiches, not 1). She's also gotten her to eat mac and cheese, peas and carrots. The new addition is slices of apples. Whoo Hoo! Now if we could continue the trend at home. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.