Sunday, October 07, 2007

Green Acres

Farm living might not agree with Katie but she sure liked the pumpkin farm we went to out in Moorpark with her BFF Petra. Katie and Petra played on the toy tractors. Rode the train several times with lots of giggles and dizziness. They weren't too interested in picking out pumpkins, but a lot of fun was had by all. The pig races were amusing to the parents, but Katie and Petra were too busy chasing each other through the tunnels next door to notice.
Katie is still pondering her choices for Halloween costume, but she really likes Daddy's dark pullover. It makes her look like a miniature Darth Vader wearing red crocks. Petra wants Katie to be a pirate. Unfortunately Katie hates hats right now so it is hard to find a kid's costume without a hat,hood, etc.

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