Monday, September 03, 2007

Babble babble giggles...

Katie is talking all the time now. We're not quite sure what she is saying all the time. Recently she says "diter" (diaper), up, down, apple, and bubbles. She really likes bubbles. We're hoping she's not OCD and just likes washing her hands in bubbles.

Katie has been pretty tired this week. Lots of play time with her buddy Tommy. And Petra visited with Alison and Richard this weekend. Katie and Petra were both really tired but didn't want to nap. Their parents would have gladly taken a nap - the heat is exhausting them.

Katie's top two top teeth are fully in and the bottom teeth have broken through. She's really chomping a lot - especially Daddy's shoulder. She's been walking around the house babbling and talking to herself and then giggling when we catch her. She picks up her play phone and says, "bee boo doo dee daa..." as she dials nana or grandma.

With the heat, Katie has been really fond of "naked time." She likes splashing around in her pools in the backyard and then runs around inside the house without her diaper. So far Mommy and Daddy have been lucky with no "accidents."

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