Saturday, July 07, 2007


Kate's been talking up a storm. Not talking as in stringing nouns and verbs together into a sentence talking, but finding new ways to get her message across.

She can carry an entire monologue in grunts.

She points up into the sky and grunts whenever an airplane flies overhead.
She squatted down in the backyard, did the sign for "toilet" and piddled on the lawn.
She says "gen" when she wants something opened ("pen").
She says "goo gooo" when she want to watch Blue's Clues on TV.
I swear that I heard her say what sounded like "Whatcha doin' Mommy?" when she opened the door to where I was.
She said "cool!" when she caused a toy to zoom by her.
She comes to have her diaper changed about half of the time when I ask her.
She will fetch an object for us if she knows what it is and can see it.

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