Sunday, June 03, 2007

More walking

Kate is walking, walking, walking. She is so proud of herself. She's walking so much that it's wearing her out (yeah!). Two hour naps, twice a day have been going on, so everyone is happy around here right now. Her cutest thing right now is walking around with some article of clothing (her PJs being the favorite), and playing peekaboo while she walks. The PJs are so long, that she's tripping on them, but she won't give them up for smaller articles either.

Also new on the development front: nodding her head yes, using a spoon to (try) to feed herself - she gets the spoon into her mouth (and a song sung to her when she does), but not much food makes it in this way, and she's getting adventurous on TOUCHING mushy food (but still doesn't want to eat it yet).

Best of all is the giggles with her mom. Mom knows just where to tickle her that produces such giggles that it makes everyone laugh.

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