Tuesday, May 01, 2007

It's been a while

We could give you a bunch of excuses: our internet service was down, we've been working on school projects, etc. But we know what you really want is more pictures of Kate.

Here she is in her Easter Dress. We spent a lovely day with the Long Beach cousins.

...working on her upper body strength on the zipline at the playground. She can hold on without us. Getting her to let go isn't much fun!

Standing eating a cracker in the kitchen (her natural habitat)

Walking her car in the backyard

Practicing her walking skills on the patio with her dad.

Kate's growing up so fast. She's started to add words to her vocabulary. She says "Dat" for anything that she wants (which is a lot). She tries to repeat any word that we say, and will usually get the first sound right. "Duck" is "duh", "Kitty Cat" is "Key", "Daddy" is still "Da". "Doggie" is "Ghee" (don't know why she picked the last syllable there). And she says the noises that a duck ("kack") and a monkey ("oooo-oooo-aaah-aaah") make.

...still no teeth yet....not even a hint of one coming.


Anonymous said...

It's about time with the Easter pics!! I was wondering if they were ever coming. :P

Thank your lucky stars on the teeth!! Chomping HURTS!! :)

Looks like all's well. Hugs to you all.


Hi Anissa -

Emily and I miss you and Kate!

We also wanted to wish Kate a very happy (early) birthday - and to wish you Happy Mother's Day!

Shelley (using John's ID) :-)