Saturday, February 03, 2007

Miss us?

We know that it's been a looong time since we posted last. Kate got sick just after the holidays, then Anissa and Tim got sick too. Soon after Kate became don't take your eyes off of the baby for an instant! She's standing by pulling up on furniture, but not on her own yet. She's walking behind her walker (or stepstool, or anything else that slides across the floor), but she can't walk without holding onto something. We're finding it difficult to take pictures of her while chasing after her at the same time!

She's mastered the pincer grasp. At first, she was thrilled to get a speck of a rice puff in her mouth. Now she shovels Cheerios with both hands like it's going out of style!

Her Godparents and her Godcousin came out to visit over Danny's semester break for a couple of days. It was too short of a visit and we miss them terribly around here already. We went to Universal City Walk, where Danny challenged Tim and Mike to a race in the Nascar simulators. We went to Griffith Park to ride the train and to play at the playground. We went to Mountasia where Danny and Mike rode the gocarts for hours, but managed to take a break to play minigolf with the girls. And we truly enjoyed the great company and conversation.

Kate is still not interested in the TV, not even educational baby videos, but she loves working on the computer with her parents, especially if you go to

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