Thursday, March 22, 2007

Standing Tall

Kate has surprised us this week by standing up all by herself. We were outside, watching Daddy work in the yard, and Kate didn't have anything to hold on to in order to stand up from sitting. So, instead, she just went from squatting and touching the ground in front of her to standing - just like that! We both thought it was a fluke, but she repeated this feat several times in a row. Now if she could only find a graceful way of falling down when she's standing. (Anissa still wants to buy Kate a helmet).

She's a speed demon around the house with her assortment of walkers. She will push them everywhere, and she's started to put toys and things into the walker to move around the house with her. Tim and Anissa have fun sitting/standing at opposite ends of the house while Kate walks her walker between us. (She hasn't quite figured out how to turn the walkers around to go in the opposite direction).

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